World of Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Booster Box
36 packs per box,
16 cards per booster pack.
Play with legendary heroes from World of Warcraft lore, such as
the Red, Malfurion Stormrage,
and Queen Azshara. These all-new heroes have two powers instead of one.
World at war! Even though Monsters are still around, the conflict
between the Horde and the Alliance
takes center stage in the Timewalkers block, focusing on the Humans,
Elves, Orcs, and Tauren.
The sneaky Night Elves stalk the shadows, dropping huge allies far
earlier than should be possible with
their Quickness power.
Humans try to win by overwhelming the opponent with sheer numbers.
Allies with The Human Spirit
keyword gain powers from proximity to their kin.
The Orcs� singleminded lust for war, manifested in their Blood Fury
power, allows many of their allies to
grow stronger . . . but only if you�ve been giving your opponent a
dose of pain!
Tauren use their Tribe power to share their unique skills with others
their ilk.
Loot cards
o Common: Eye of the Legion
o Uncommon: Demon Hunter�s Aspect
o Rare: Feldrake
36-pack display supports eight-person Draft tournament play out of one
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