Star Trek HeroClix Miniatures: Tactics III Countertop Display Box
Resistance is Futile! Beam aboard for excitement with Star Trek Tactics Series III, featuring everything HeroClix players need to recreate epic Star Trek battles on their tabletop! Introducing four new factions and starships to HeroClix (the Bajorans, the Kazon, the mysterious Species 8472, and the BORG), Star Trek Tactics Series III also features an all-new ship type: Assimilated vessels with two team abilities (Borg and their former affiliation)! Star Trek Tactics Series III is offered in Starter Sets containing four unique, pre-painted starships complete with a HeroClix core rulebook, the HeroClix Powers and Abilities Card, object tokens, and two full-color maps, as well as 12-count countertop displays featuring 28 different, all-new, pre-painted starships showcasing models never-before-seen as 3D figures!
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